About Us

Rev. Bobby B. Cox, Jr., Chairperson; Sis. Loretta Thomas, Pro Tempore

Stewards in the African Methodist Episcopal Church are the Pastor s cabinet. Stewards must be committed to addressing the spiritual concerns of the Church, but remember they have some temporal duties as well. Their primary duty is to the Church. Stewards are expected to be fair, clear-sighted, level-headed, and capable of exercising good judgment. Stewards must work harmoniously with the Pastor. Stewards must know the appropriate process and procedure for addressing concerns. Stewards must be (1) of solid piety, know and love the Word of God, the African Methodist Episcopal Church doctrine, and The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; (2) fruitful and of good natural or acquired ability transact spiritual and temporal (financial) business of the Church; and (3) a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church for at least two (2) years, except in the case of the establishment of a new congregation. The Book of Discipline of the AME Church , 2012, pages 61-62. There shall be no fewer than three (3) and no more than nineteen (19).


Bethel is for everyone!



There is a strong and vibrant Brotherhood in Bethel.



The pastor is the chairperson of the Steward Board. The Pastor may appoint a chairperson, pro tempore, to act in his or her absence. All business conducted in his or her absence shall be subject to veto by the pastor. There shall be appointed a Junior Board of Stewards that shall function under the direction of the pastor and Senior Board of Stewards. There shall be a training course for prospective Stewards under the supervision of the Pastor and Senior Stewards. The pastor shall submit nominated Stewards to the Quarterly Conference, which shall confirm or reject them.

The Doctrine and Discipline of the AME Church, 2012, pages 61-62. Stewards shall make an exact accounting of all money or other provisions collected for the support of the Pastor. The steward board negotiates the full-time salary of the Pastor. The Pastor s negotiated salary and benefits package shall be commensurate with the cost of living in the given geographical area and the ability of the local congregation. The following benefits apply to those Pastors who are full-time servants: (1) pension or retirement; (2) insurances: health, disability, professional liability, key person life insurance; (3) self-employment tax; (4) parsonage or housing allowance; (5) continuing education; (6) travel: connectional, Episcopal district, conference, inner parish, and all other related to official duties.

…Stewards shall make accurate reports of every expenditure of money, whether to the Pastor, Church, sick or poor. Stewards shall attend the Quarterly Conference to give advice, if asked, in planning for the Church. The Doctrine and Discipline of the AME Church, 2012, page 62, Stewards shall attend the committee meeting for disbursing of money to churches and give counsel in matters of arbitration. Stewards shall seek the needy and distressed in order to relieve and comfort them.

…Stewards shall register all baptisms, marriages, and deaths within the congregation. Stewards shall provide the implements and elements of Holy Communion. Each local Church shall have its Steward Board conduct a survey of the membership during the Third Quarter with the purpose of determining to what extent each member of the Church has supported the Church financially, attended the regular means of grace, and supported the various benevolent enterprises of the Church.

…The Steward Board shall investigate all members on the roll and submit its findings to the Official Board for approval. The Certified Membership Roll shall be forwarded to the Fourth Quarterly Conference for submittal to the Annual Conference. Each Annual Conference shall forward all Certified Membership Rolls to the General Church Secretary …

 The Stewards shall be subject to the bishops, elders, deacons, and traveling ministers of their Church. The Doctrine and Discipline of the AME Church, 2012, pages 62-63. All Stewards are accountable to the Quarterly Conference, which shall be empowered to remove them for failure or refusal to do their duties. In the interim of the Quarterly Conference, the Pastor shall have the power to suspend a steward for refusing, neglecting, or failing to discharge his duties. The Pastor may fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the Quarterly Conference, which shall dispose of the case.



  1. Rev. Bobby B. Cox, Jr., Pastor
  2. Sis. Loretta Thomas, Pro Tempore
  3. Sis. Virgie Chambers
  4. Bro. Trey Roderick
  5. Sis. TIna Jones
  6. Sis. Pamela Burgess
  7. Bro. Ronald Drayton
  8. Bro. Rudy Cunningham
  9. Bro. Nathaniel Brown
  10. Bro. Andrew Gibson
  11. Sis. Sharon Pate
  12. Sis. Candice Porter
  13. Sis. Helen Woodard
  14. Sis. Wilma White
  15. Sis. Betty Owens
  16. Bro. Dan Carroll
  17. Sis. Marilyn Johnson
  18.  Bro. Joshua Koger
  19.  Bro. Terrance Cusaac
  20. Bro. Dennis Wilson


“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” (John 12:26 ESV)

 Bethel Columbia SC

The Reverend Bobby B. Cox, Jr., Pastor